Our current culture blames all of societies ills on men. Domestic Violence is considered Violence on a man against a woman even though department of justices statistics show that 835,000 men are victims of domestic violence each year while 1.5 million women are the victims of this horrible crime .When a man kills his wife or girlfriend we hear about what a horrible monster he is but when a woman kills her spouse it is always considered justified . we hear people say well he must have beaten her or well he was cheating on her ...women are far more likely to abuse or murder their children than men are yet we always see in movies that a man is portrayed as a callous and uncaring abuser .we hear people making jokes about how Loraina Bobbit mutilated her husband John Wayne bobitt and this is somehow justified .
Television Commonly portrays men as fumbling, insensitive , mean spirited clods . who only look to objectify women in sitcoms with lead male characters the man usually could not tie his own shoes if it wasn't for his wise and hard working wife .
in schools we routinely emasculate young boys and put them on drugs to stop them from being Boys . we have no tolerance policies for fighting and the likes ....boys are told to be sensitive to the needs of young women while no one is tending to the needs of young men .
our own government touts tons of feminist propaganda .and wasteful programs we have our offices of child support collections who by laws are suppose to also enforce visitations yet never do .the offices actually kidnap children from fathers and then extort them with the treat of jail holding them in involuntary servitude .child support is nothing more than replacing a father with money .a child needs would be met much more efficiently if they had more time with father child bonding . which would lead to lower crime rates, teen suicides, less teen pregnancy , lower amounts of drug abuse , a lower divorce rate and higher grades in school .