a place where i can burp,fart ,smoke ,drink and look at nudey pics and not feel bad about it
Vic Vanity's Articles In Home & Family
February 7, 2004 by Vic Vanity
Any of you bloggers who would be interested in writing articles have the oppritunity to submit them at http://www.fathersnet.org the best way to end the corruption in family courts is to inform the masses . and i believe that personal stories can be the best way .
January 12, 2004 by Vic Vanity
Our current culture blames all of societies ills on men. Domestic Violence is considered Violence on a man against a woman even though department of justices statistics show that 835,000 men are victims of domestic violence each year while 1.5 million women are the victims of this horrible crime .When a man kills his wife or girlfriend we hear about what a horrible monster he is but when a woman kills her spouse it is always considered justified . we hear people say well he must have beaten he...
January 13, 2004 by Vic Vanity
In the United States , women have a legal right to reproduction .this right supercedes the right of the father and the right of the unborn child .before conception Women have the right to have or not have sex . After conception women have the legal right to an abortion after the child is born women have the legal right to put the child up for adoption or leave it at a safe drop off point if she so chooses not to be a parent . every one of her choices has true consequences .for the father of h...